

Diker – Online Surveys WordPress Plugin (Utilities)

Diker is an online surveys plugin that will measure, improve customer experience and engage your audience. With the help of diker you can understand what drives your website visitors, what makes them happy and what makes them feel bad so you can optimize your website design, content and products based on honest feedbacks. Diker will convert site visitors into loyal customers.

Why Diker:

Most webmasters don’t get in touch with their website visitors and/or customers so it become so difficult to predict why your things started to stall, Visitors are starting to drop especially your repeat visitors, Subscriptions to your email list are barely trickling in, Nobody is buying your products and/or services. Diker provide a fun and easy way to get in touch and learn more about your visitors and/or customers. With diker you can design surveys that better suit you website, track views and interactions, target surveys to specific browsers and operating systems, schedule surveys, show surveys in any page you like… and much more. Diker is a lightweight plugin and won’t slow down your website.

Live Demonstration:

Explore working demos and admin panel (Some actions disabled in demo).

Explore some of built-in features:

Lightweight plugin.

It is based on custom backend and frontend router to run only if it needed so it won’t slow down your website.

Based on wordpress native dashboard style.

It doesn’t use any custom styling for tables or metaboxes or forms. It is completely based on wordpress native administration elements style.

Overall surveys statistical panel.

Through this panel, You can explore:

  • The total number of surveys, number of pending surveys, number of paused surveys and number of running surveys.

  • The number of unique visitors and/or users who viewed your surveys and also who passed your surveys over the last 28 days.

  • All activities of surveys and also visitors and/or users feedbacks. Each feedback shown with client browser, operating system, ip and survey title.

Various questions support.

It supports multichoice, input and textarea to gather visitors and/or users feedbacks.

Build surveys that better suit your website design.

You can design each survey. I don’t mean simple design options but many design options like background colors, text color, text font, google font integration, borders sizes, borders colors, buttons background color, buttons text color, header padding, footer padding ,question text align….and much more.

Visual survey design.

You can explore survey final view while you build it in admin panel. Just switch survey preview.

Schedule surveys.

You can show survey immediately, pause survey and schedule survey to run at specific time and/or pause at specific time.

Show survey on specific part of a page.

You can show survey immediately after page loads or after user and/or visitor scrolls to specific height.

Spam protection.

You can show captcha to stop spammers. Captcha can be shown per survey.

Forget traditional captcha design.

You can design your captcha text color and background color. Make it simple or complicated.

Survey targeting.

You can target survey to specific browsers, specific operating systems, website users and/or website visitors.

Cover All WordPress Frontent parts in addition to new post types and new rewrite rules created through other plugins.

You can show survey on:

  • Posts.

  • Pages.

  • Posts that attached to specific tags.

  • Posts that attached to specific categories.

  • Any page that has URL match defined pattern (eg. set pattern to [portfolio] and it will shown in any page URL contain portfolio word).

Attach surveys through posts (add and edit page) and pages (add and edit page).

It provides custom metabox shown in add and edit pages of both posts and pages.

Cross device support.

Surveys can be shown on a large range of devices.

Survey statistical panel.

Through this panel, You can explore:

  • The number of visitors and/or users who viewed the survey and also who passed the survey over the last 28 days.

  • All activities of the survey and also you can explore visitors and/or users feedbacks. Each feedback shown with client browser, operating system, ip and survey title.

  • Important data about visitors and/or users who passed the survey like operating systems and browsers. Also in case of multichoice surveys, you can explore the final result.

Visual analysis.

It uses awesome visual element to show overall and single surveys statistics.

Well Secured.

It encrypts frontend data to boost security. It uses encryptation mechanism that supported on most servers. If your survey supports mcrypt_decrypt, You can turn to

mcrypt_decrypt to boost security.

Built-in activity system.

It has a built-in activity system that tracks surveys added, updated, run and paused and also users who added or updated surveys.

Well optimized.

It is optimized to run on both small and large websites as it is a light weight plugin and you can stop features that may be heavy in large visits website (eg. visits tracking).

Internationalization support.

It supports translation. You can bring diker to your locale right now.

Updates notification system.

Well documented.

It has a well documented codebase for developers.

Amazing support.

Each page has help tab to fully understand the usage of tools provided. also you can visit plugin page on clivern website to explore more resources or submit support ticket. I would be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to diker.

Files Included:

  • Plugin Code

  • Documentation


  • WordPress Version 3.5+ but lastest version recommended.

  • GD extension (optional) : If you like to show captcha.


Version 1.0:

Initial Release.


If you interested in translating diker. You can download translation files, then send translated file to support@clivern.com. Thanks so much.

Sources and Credits:

I’ve used the following images, icons or other files as listed:

  • jQuery V1.11.

  • Chosen V1.2.0 : Copyright© 2014 Patrick Filler for Harvest.

  • Morris.js V0.5.0 : Copyright© 2014 Olly Smith.

  • Raphael V2.1.0 : Copyright© 2008-2012 Dmitry Baranovskiy and Sencha Labs.

  • DateTimePicker V2.3.5 : Copyright© 2014 Chupurnov Valeriy.

  • Mom Typefont.

  • Fontello.


Thank you so much for purchasing diker. I’d be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to diker. No guarantees, but I’ll do my best to assist.

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