

ThemeForest - Business Application (Full Applications) - Download

Business app is combo of phonegap and angular js with android L layout features. It Works perfect for all android devices tablets and mobile.

PhoneGap is an open source framework that allows you to develop cross device capable mobile applications in Html5 and JavaScript. PhoneGap exposes native device functionality through the use of various JavaScript APIs.

AngularJS lets you extend HTML vocabulary for your application. The resulting environment is extraordinarily expressive, readable, and quick to develop.

Business app gives you flexibility for choose your own menu name,icons from http://fontawesome.io/ and decide your content you want to display from wordpress like pages,contact us/inquiry email, facebook and twitter page link, google map, Recommendation/testimonials, blog/news, image gallery and partners/clients slider much more.

Application JSON (Webservices) configuration:

Business app fetches data from your wordpress website. For Pages, News, Gallery, testimonials, products we have used json api plugin.

Just configure all things in client.js files in application package and your application is ready with all features.

Inappbrowser and email composer plug-in for application:

Inappbrowser: User for open your facebook page, twitter page and website within Application no need to redirect on external browser.

Email composer: Use for contact us just define your email address and subject in client.js file so app user is able to contact you.

App Pages:

Blog Page: Here we have used gmail feature so if website do not have feature image it will display first letter of blog title with random background colour with card view. Admin is able define recent post count and category post count also.

About us: Here you can define any page from your website just define its slugname. Its display images of that page and content.

Map: Display your business address on google map with your text just defines latitude and longitude.

Testimonials: Display your clients or partners Recommendation on this page with image, name and description in quote format.

Gallery: Display your product or image gallery with masonry effect and angular ui scroll effect.

Clients: Scroll your clients or partners.

Admob Configuration:

We have already install its package so just define your admob id in client.js file you are able to see both ads footer and interstitial.

Demo admin

WordPress Admin

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