

Download- WP Anti Hack File Monitor (Miscellaneous)

Watch the Video to see the plugin in action!

Hackers are attacking the websites to modify it’s code and perform malicious activities. For example they likes to force the website to send spam e-mails.

They modify the files so these actions are performed in the background.

In some cases you won’t even notice that your website were hacked because it acts normally.

This is why you need a file monitor – a script which can detect any file modification/creation/deletion.

But having just a file monitor is not enough. You need to have all 3:

Backup, Monitor, Notificator

WP Acti Hack File Monitor has all of these 3. It creates a backup of your files, so you’ll be able to revert any changes. Thanks to very convenient file comparator, you’ll be able to read which lines were modified and how. You don’t need to login via FTP to see and analyze the changes.

The plugin will notify you about changes via SMS or Email. It uses Twilio API to send the SMS messages. Since it’s a paid API, the plugin won’t waste your money on redundant notifications, because single file modification will generate just one sms/email. You can also setup daily limit of messages.

If you don’t have an access to cron on your hosting panel, or you simple don’t know how to use it, the plugin has a “pseudo-cron” solution which will execute the file monitor once someone visits the website. You can of course setup the frequency of pseudo-cron.

If you’re not interested in monitoring some parts of your website, like uploads or some particular plugins – you can easily exclude any file/catalog.


  • Website based on WordPress

  • PHP at least 5.3 version

  • Zip Archive available

  • For larger websites – set_time_limit function turned on

  • At least 64mb of memory. This was enough to monitor 20mb website. Please remember that you can exclude uploads and other catalogs and focus the plugin to monitor theme files/plugins

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