Whenever you want to install WordPress or WordPress Themes, you face WordPress error because of error in database or maybe because of memory exhausted error. If you're thinking that these issue can't be resolved then you're on wrong side my friend. There are several methods through which you can easily overcome on these issues. One of the serious error usually faced by WordPress users while installing WordPress Theme on there localhost, error like "Are You Sure You Want To Do This, Please Try Again". This kind of error does not provide any specific info because there are many factors that may lead to this error. Or some times this problem happens because your theme file size is too large. After reading this article, we'll hope that you don't have any complain regarding installing WordPress Theme on Localhost. Only thing you need to do is, just follow some steps and your problem regarding installing WordPress theme become resolved.
Resolved "Are You Sure You Want To Do This, Please Try Again" While Installing WordPress Theme On Localhost
First you need to download WordPress Theme, the one you choose and extract the .zip file to specific place and separate the specific folder which contain theme files as I showed in below pic.
Now Copy the folder, which actually contain theme files and paste it into Local Disk C> Local Server(Wamp Server)> www >WordPress > WP Content > Themes.
After doing this step, now open your WordPress by openimg your windows web browser and type localhost/wordpress/wp-admin/themes.php and press the enter button. You'll see a new page which contain different themes and you'll see your theme between them.
Now click on activate and wait for while means wait for couple of minutes. After waiting for while, you'll see congratulation message or see your theme is activated. Now visit your site and you'll see that you're is installed successfully.
Hope you'll like the article and please don't forget to share it with your friends thanks.
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